Successful leadership through mutual trust

In the course of fundamental changes to the framework conditions for companies and organizations, these have already undergone far-reaching transformation processes or are about to do so. As a result, managers are faced with new challenges that they have to tackle on a daily basis.

Diversity in terms of different qualifications, expertise, performance and increasing digitalization and networking in day-to-day operations require effective speed and goal-oriented information management in leadership more than ever – regardless of traditional or agile environments. This means

Successful leadership requires mutual trust
between a manager and their team.

Only through trust-based leadership will employees and teams accept the change between stabilizing hierarchies and flexible working methods – especially in unusual situations, e.g. during operational changes as part of reorganizations or company transitions as part of strategic realignments.

Neutral and short-term: analysis of the status quo

  • Review of existing processes and structures and evaluation of objectives and success factorsle und Erfolgsfaktoren

  • Identification of fields of action by revealing burdensome pain points and presentation of possible gain creators

  • Blue print design for new ideas, balanced goals with realistic implementation options (including necessary measures)

Job satisfaction through
successful leadership skills

In increasingly complex systems, managers can no longer be the more competent experts for all areas. Instead, they are all the more challenged to encourage employees and teams to contribute to the common tasks and goals on their own initiative and with all their abilities through exemplary behavior.

The aim is therefore to achieve leadership that is characterized by social and communicative aspects in equal measure, which is not only effective in the matter at hand, but is also reflected in job satisfaction.

Successful leadership therefore means – in addition to high professional competence – primarily leadership skills through a people-centered management style.

Leadership for/in transformation:
What you need to consider

Change or transformation begins with the implementation of your ideas and plans. But how do you achieve the necessary change, how do you get the P.S. on the road with your HR organizations? Is the existing organization even capable of development and how do you and your organizations convince others as the change driver so that everyone in the company or organization also participates?

Which management approach is appropriate, which skills, competencies and potential really matter and what role does leadership play – especially in the new world of work? Do you act top-down as the initiator and driver of the necessary changes or are you driven bottom-up? How do you enable transformation, what is the right course and which collaborations promote progress?

How can you tell when it is too much for you, the people involved or the entire organization? Every change or transformation project is different and depends heavily on the respective culture of the company, organization or department.

Why wait? Get to know the best alternative now!

Success stories

Engineering services

  • Transition enterprise cloud platform solution for CRM and volume recruiting

  • 10 different software products for 4 companies in Germany and abroad as well as numerous international service providers
  • Significant conflicts between requirements and product management

6 Monate (Oktober 2019 bis Mai 2020) als Program Director and Transition Manager bei der ABLE Group

Platform transition for > 2,000 business users based on digital CRM cloud platform solutions from Salesforce

  • Transition strategy successfully implemented with new PMO structure.
  • Prototype developed in 3 weeks, test scenarios carried out in 6 weeks.
  • Transparent communication implemented in the organization.
  • Delays in release management taken into account, methodology changed.
  • Compliance risks reviewed via GDPR audit.
    New managers for product and release management fully trained in 6 weeks.

Plant and mechanical engineering (large power plants, process industry)

  • Turnaround & transformation management of the group under out-of-court IDW S6 conditions and integration of a subsidiary by means of protective shielding proceedings.

  • Plant closure and relocation of the production site as well as reorganization of the sales divisions and the valve plant.

  • PMO tasks for controlling and monitoring the various initiatives, actions & measures.

18 months (January 2016 to October 2017) as Program Director and Turnaround Manager at PERSTA GmbH (SIEPMANN Group)

Restructuring of the valve plant and associated subsidiaries – including the preparation, support and follow-up of negotiations on reconciliation of interests & social plan as part of the operational changes and the avoidance of transfers of operations in accordance with § 613 BGB – parallel to this, the splitting of the company on the basis of employment contracts not bound by collective agreements and the implementation of various reorganization measures for the affected operating units.

Establishment and expansion of programme management to control strategic turnaround and transformation projects – including authority to act for the group as well as the reorganization of the sales areas towards customer value management and implementation of digital cloud-based CRM platforms.

Implementing commercial and technical CPQ functionalities in CRM platform and ERP system to build a product configurator as an innovative SMART Manufacturing Solution, incl. identifying, attracting and developing high potentials for new leadership roles.

  • Successful negotiations with the works council and trade union on the necessary operational changes within a few weeks
  • Preparation of protective shield proceedings for subsidiary within 10 weeks – incl. recruitment of new restructuring consultants & change coaches
  • Successful turnaround for various sales areas within 15 months – incl. implementation of sales force platforms – to stabilize sales and increase operating profit; thereby changing the corporate culture in the old economy area
  • Reorientation of the sales and product management area towards a genuine customer value-oriented service area
  • Development of a functional SMART manufacturing system based on the CRM and ERP platforms

Our Clients

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